THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsChristmas25 December 2022 |
The SundaySermon
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Dear Friends in Christ,
The Gospel records that during the birth of Jesus, shepherds were watching their flocks by night. We are also reminded that the night before Jesus died, He asked His Apostles to watch and pray. Throughout His public life, Jesus instructs us to be vigilant and watch because we do not know when He will return. We see this in many parables, such as the wise and foolish virgins, the stewards, and the servants.
Alone among all the people in the country around Bethlehem at the Birth of Jesus, Angels are only recorded as having come to shepherds in the field. It seems important to note that they were not sleeping but were keeping watch over their flocks. Most of the world did not know what was happening because they were not watching or paying attention.
Our bodies need to sleep, and we cannot keep a constant vigil. Our souls, on the other hand, do not need to rest. Just as our hearts constantly beat within us throughout our lives, we can keep a constant spiritual vigil looking and waiting for Jesus. Longing and waiting to see and be with Jesus go hand in hand with loving God. Many express desires to go to Heaven but quickly turn their hearts to the world. We say we love God but soon forget Him in our worldly pursuits.
What use is it for us to have intelligence and knowledge of God if we are not using it? Jesus tells us: Those who have eyes to see, let them see and those who have ears to hear, let them hear (St. Matthew 11,15; St. Mark 4,9). The proof and evidence of God are all around us if we only use the intelligence and senses that God has given us.
It is said that we cannot find what we are not looking for. The reason that only a few people find four-leaf clovers is that only a few people genuinely look for four-leaf clovers. We know they are there, and we have perhaps seen some, but we are not very motivated to go and find them ourselves. This is, tragically, what happens on the spiritual level. Many people have heard or seen evidence of God, but very few are so motivated to search for Him.
The signs are all around us if we only want to see, hear and understand. What are we looking for this Christmas and the rest of our lives here on earth? What do we truly desire? Too often, we know Jesus was born, and we look forward to celebrating with friends and family — sharing food and drink. If this is all we want to find, if this is all we are looking for, this is what we will find. But on Judgment Day, will we hear from Jesus that we have already received our reward and have nothing to expect from Him in Heaven?
Material celebrations are not evil; what is wrong is the disordered pursuit of physical pleasure at the expense of true spiritual joy. Contrary to materialistic sentiments, Christmas is not all about family and friends. Nor is Christmas only about sentimentality. Our celebration of Christmas should be about loving, longing, and welcoming Jesus into our lives as we desire to be accepted into the eternal joys of Heaven. Jesus came to us so that we could go to Him. He opened the gates of Heaven so that we can follow Him in.
We pray that our eyes may be opened to see past the worldly materialism that has overcome this wondrous anniversary and into the true spirit of Christmas. We must spiritually keep watch both night and day, looking forward to the glorious coming of Our Lord and God — Jesus Christ. When we are genuinely seeing with the eyes of our souls and reasoning with the intelligence that God has given us and loving and longing with our hearts and souls for God and the place in Heaven, He desires that we fill, then Angels will come to us as they did to the shepherds. We, then, will know where and how to find Him. We will see with the eyes that He gave us to see with, and we will hear with the ears that He gave us to hear with. Peace will enter our hearts and remain there with us. Our voices will join the Angels in singing the praises of God.
As we seek Him in watching and praying, He comes to us to take us by the hand. We glorify Him in Heaven, and He gives us peace even here on earth. It is a spiritual peace and joy, but when it is genuinely seated in the depths of our souls, it soon emanates outward into our bodies and the material world around us.
Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth, peace to men of goodwill!
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